The Grand Opening
Back in August 2014 we took what was a derelict building and poured all our time, attention and money in to it. The idea was to build something that was for the local community. A place where people could meet and shoot the breeze over a brew. Somewhere that was friendly, didn’t take itself too seriously, used small, local producers and was equal opportunities delicious….so if you had a gluten free cake it was as good as its gluten full counterpart. Ken has a degree in industrial design and had a crystal clear idea of what he wanted, so he set about building his vision with his own two hands. Ciara rallied a crew of friends to help out with final touches and we opened three months later…. and got married two weeks after that!
The Truck
2017 - 2020
Wanting a site in central Brixton we worked with Lambeth Council to commission a new trading site on Windrush Square. In the mean-time we sourced a beautifully restored 1978 Ford Tansit mark 1 & designed and installed a coffee catering body on the back. We traded early mornings for the commuters travelling to the tube station come rain, hail or shine. Events in March 2020 put a halt to that, but! the truck lives on! If you are ever in Bristol, visit Kind Regards Coffee in Eastville Park where the truck now resides.
2020 - Present
A lot has changed since then, the pandemic played a huge part in what has become our shop as you see it today. We spent the lockdowns getting reacquainted with our neighbours, realigned our offering to suit life as it is now and executing passion projects we had longed to do. We created fun merchandise with our past and present team members. Ciara created body care products with the coffee shop ethos in mind, scrubs for dirty hands, soaps to keep your hands clean and give you a little joy at the same time, whipped body cream for dry winter skin. Having 20 years of experience working with beauty products as a makeup artist, this was second nature.
Coldharbour Lane
2022 - Present
Missing the Truck days down in central Brixton, we’ve been on the look out for a nice cosy space to make a more permanent home down town, and now here we are at 436 Coldharbour Lane. Down here, the brief is a chilled spot to grab a quick coffee while on the move or to sit and watch all that goes on at Brixton’s main junction outside the Town Hall. We’ve got all the usual drinks available, some coffee brewing equipment for home, a rotating selection of coffee beans and bread delivered fresh each morning for sale.